Marginal Revolution  

Dwarkesh interviews Mark Zuckerberg on Llama 3 and more

Dwarkesh interviews Mark Zuckerberg on Llama 3 and more - Marginal REVOLUTION  ...View More

Why a Housing Shortage Exists Despite More Houses Per Person

When I post about the skyrocketing price of housing and the need to build, commentators (include som ...View More

What I am nostalgic about

With a group of friends I was having a chat about the merits of the current vs. past America.   ...View More

Response from Devin Pope, on religious attendance

All of this is from Devin Pope, in response to Lyman Stone (and myself).  Here was my original  ...View More

Claims about claims (it’s happening)

The craziest LLaMA 3 reveal: The 400B+ version of the model is **on par with Claude 3 Opus**, and i ...View More

Do protests matter?

Only rarely: Recent social movements stand out by their spontaneous nature and lack of stable leader ...View More

My excellent Conversation with Peter Thiel

Here is the audio, video, and transcript, along with almost thirty minutes of audience questions, fi ...View More

Economic growth sentences to ponder, Argentina fact of the day

Sometimes I feel like focusing on policies that only affect growth rates by a few tenths of a perce ...View More

Why is the Biden Administration Against Fee Transparency in Education?

President Biden has made a big deal of simplifying fees: The FTC is proposing a rule that…would ...View More

Barcelona escalates its role in the war against tourism

…residents of La Salut neighbourhood in Barcelona are celebrating a move to wipe themselve ...View More

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